
Produktnr: dnbkg0002

kan levereras inom 1-3 dagar

Priset inkl. moms, exkl. frakt

Tillgängliga leveranssätt: Customer Pick up locally only with cash, Leverans till Europa, Leverans. Worldwide "Zon 3", Zon 2 Schweiz och Storbritannien, Zone 8 World without Zone 1-7, Zone 7 China, Zone 6 Nordafrikanische Gebiete, Kanada, Naher Osten, Teile Asiens, Zone 5 USA, Frakt i Tyskland

 Delivery download Article:

  • 1. Directly after receipt of the payment to the seller's account, the customer receives an email with a link to download or, (only on request and if possible on the size) the file directly to the email.
  • 2. The customer can download up to 3 times the file up to 21 days after receipt of the download links.  The purchase contract is regarded as fulfilled by the seller when the product was first downloaded from the buyer.
3. Copyright and Usage License for downloaded products
  • 3a. The copyright for all the files is not for sale, it is inseparable from Longaris Publisher E.K. connected.
  • 3b. Usage rights are offered the download products and remain even after the purchase copyrighted. They each acquire a simple or advanced or exclusive license. For all download products and Usage License the following guidelines:


  • 3c. Allowed
  1. The licenses purchased by the customer must be used only for lawful purposes only.
  2. For the private sector: The files can for his the purchaser may use as many times as he wants. "For his own private use" (under the relevant License)
  3. Images and graphics for commercial use may be used by the buyer (under the relevant License) for his "own projects" so often used as he wants.
  4. The right to use the purchased license only at one third party (in compliance with the respective License), for example, as part of a customer project at an advertising agency, are passed on to a customer.
  5. The creation of backup copies for their own use.
  6. Downloading the watermark Protected preview file to check whether it is suitable for the purposes of the customer


  • 3d. Prohibited. Purposes for the use of files are prohibited:
  1. Multiple Delivery to multiple third parties. The right to use the purchased license may not be passed on to more than one person or customer, (for example as part of a customer project at an advertising agency). This also applies to modified or partially modified images / files.
  2. Use in the social networkswhich themselves give rights to sublicense images.
  3. Use beyond the scope of the license beyond.
  4. Use as a trade mark or a business identifier or as part of it.
  5. Use in connection with or for pornographic purposes, escort services, swingers and sauna clubs, sexual services and erotic services,
  6. Use for or in connection with the glorification of violence and racial hatred or contrary to the laws for the protection of youth,
  7. Use to confuse and / or degradation of humans and animals,
  8. Utilization of images of persons without the prior consent of the person depicted. Exception. Only the outline of a person to see, you do not recognize the person as such but.
  9. No use for any other areas that are contrary to the law.

3e. In addition to copyright:

  • 3ea. The rights to the designs, graphics and photos to "all" our products, brochures, advertising graphics, websites, other sites and publications etc. remain solely with the respective authors.
  • 3eb. The purchase of a download does not entitle the user to unauthorized and / or commercial copying or duplication of the like and the motifs or contents on it.
  • 3ec. It is expressly prohibited to copy designs, graphics and photos from this site or our other sites on the web and / or duplicated. This also applies to the catalogs, magazines, products, product examples and magazines. This applies to all pictures are shown of any kind.
  • 3ed. An act contrary to the points 8a - 8c leads to criminal charges and subsequent action for damages
  • 3ee. The publishing and use on blogs and websites of "screenshots" our websites with links to our websites are generally allowed, far as the not §7j disagree.

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Priset inkl. moms, exkl. frakt

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