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Delivery download Article:
1. Directly after receipt of the payment to the seller's account, the customer receives an email with a link to download or, (only on request and if possible on the size) the file directly to the email.
2. The customer can download up to 3 times the file up to 21 days after receipt of the download links. The purchase contract is regarded as fulfilled by the seller when the product was first downloaded from the buyer.
3a.Thecopyright for all thefilesisnot for sale,itis inseparable fromLongarisPublisherE.K.connected.
3b.Usage rightsareofferedthedownload productsandremaineven after the purchasecopyrighted.Theyeachacquirea simple or advancedorexclusive license.For alldownload productsandUsage Licensethe following guidelines:
Thelicensespurchased by thecustomermust be used onlyfor lawful purposes only.
Forthe private sector:Thefilescanfor histhepurchaser mayuseas many timesas he wants."Forhis own private use"(under the relevantLicense)
Images and graphicsfor commercial usemay be used bythe buyer(under the relevantLicense)for his"ownprojects"so oftenusedas he wants.
The right to usethe purchased licenseonlyat onethird party(in compliance with therespectiveLicense),for example,as part of acustomer projectat an advertising agency,are passed on toa customer.
The creation ofbackup copiesfor their own use.
DownloadingthewatermarkProtectedpreviewfileto checkwhether it issuitable for the purposesof the customer
3d.Prohibited.Purposesforthe use offilesare prohibited:
MultipleDelivery to multiplethird parties.The right to usethe purchased licensemay not bepassed on tomore than onepersonorcustomer,(for exampleas partof a customer projectat an advertising agency).This also applies tomodifiedor partiallymodifiedimages/files.
Useinthe social networkswhichthemselvesgiverightstosublicenseimages.
Usebeyond the scope ofthe licensebeyond.
Useas a trade markora businessidentifieror aspart of it.
Use in connection withorfor pornographic purposes,escortservices,swingers andsauna clubs,sexual servicesanderoticservices,
Use foror in connection withthe glorification of violenceandracial hatredorcontrary to thelaws for the protectionof youth,
Useto confuseand/ordegradationof humans and animals,
Utilization ofimages of personswithout the prior consentof theperson depicted.Exception.Onlythe outlineof a personto see,you do not recognizethe personas suchbut.
Nousefor anyotherareasthat arecontraryto the law.
3e.In additiontocopyright:
3ea.The rights to thedesigns,graphicsand photos to"all"our products,brochures, advertisinggraphics,websites,othersitesandpublicationsetc.remainsolelywith the respective authors.
3eb.The purchase of a download does not entitle the user to unauthorized and / or commercial copying or duplication of the like and the motifs or contents on it.
3ec.It is expresslyprohibitedto copydesigns,graphics and photosfrom this siteorour othersiteson the weband/orduplicated.Thisalso applies to thecatalogs, magazines,products,productexamplesandmagazines.This applies toallpictures are shownof any kind.